No funciona USB

Buenos dias
Al utilizar MIT app inventor configuro e inicializo el puerto serie a 9600 baudios. No consigo que salgan los datos para comunicar con un Arduino UNO por el puerto USB de un movil Xiaomi ni por una tablet Huawei.
Por favor,¿Pueden ayudarme? ¿Qué estoy haciendo mal?

Use this extension instead of a built-in component.

Hello Juan

What error message do you see? Can we see your App Blocks?

does not give any error. It just doesn't communicate.
But if I use Usbterminal if the communication with Arduino works.

Thank you

Due to the lack of drivers in the built-in Serial USB component, it does not connect to every possible arduino module. As I wrote above, use the extension and the trouble will be gone. Nobody will correct you and help you with the built-in component.

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