No funciona cerrar aplicación

Hola a todos:

Tengo un problema creando una app. cuando creo el botón de salir, al programarlo con la acción "cuando_____clic", y la función de control "cerrar la aplicación", al compilar el apk a instalarlo en el celular, al hacer clic no cierra la app sino que despliega la última página vista.

Agradezco pronta respuesta.

Bucaramanga, Colombia.

Hello Jorge

'close application' definitely does just that, so we need to see your Blocks.

Right-mouse in the Blocks work area and select "Download Blocks as image"


When I click over button "boton_salir", doesn't close the app. Instead, the app opens the last screen viewed. I tried some methods: a button in screen1, I created another screen as exit dialog (Do you want exit? No/Yes) and I put two buttons.

Hi Jorge

So 'boton_salir' is on Screen 1, along with the others in your image? When the User leaves the last screen viewed, how does your code do that? Is the User returned to Screen1 when leaving any of the other Screens?

If your code to leave, say Screen2, does this:


..... that will be the cause of the issue, because the Block is in fact opening another Screen1.

To avoid accumulating many instances of Screen1 (only one instance of each screen is legitimate), close Screen2 like this:


Make sure that all the other Screens are exited properly and 'close application' will then work.

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Hi: The problem is fixed. thanks. :+1: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:


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