Man i need help, when i press the "speakbtn" it seems that my app lication closes everytime and at this moment i am trying to create a voice calculater for my math quiz app. But when i go do this process on the emulator it gives me this error not too sure what it means. Could you help me? I will upload my .aia file below.
Login_screen.aia (1.3 MB)
Emulator? you need to test the SpeechRecognizer on an Android phone or tablet. The SpeechRecognizer does not work on the standard emulator.
Well i i dont know any sort of that device i only have iphone
Yeah the mit app inventor emulator
See this discussion Thomas Voice recognition with respect to ios.
Speech recognition has issues with the current ios Companion and it does not work properly yet is my understanding.
Borrow an Android and test if you can as what you want to do is not possible currently when using the ios Companion.
Right okay is there a time duration or an estimate of when it will be done? Well as i said before i dont have any other device accept New Zealand
MIT indicated several weeks ago its intention to release an update for App Inventor in June or July. They don't want to cause disruptions to student's Projects until after exams/finals. The issue might be fixed when they next release.
The emulator does not include an app that performs speech recognition at this time, although this is something we are looking to rectify.
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