Next Build Request

Hello there! Especially for the MIT AI Developer.

First, Thank you so much to make this tools!
This is so useful to me for my experience of programming and making app.
So, this is my recent Build/Version: nb183 (March 28, 2020)

Here, I want to give a suggestion/request about some features.
So, my request is:
A. Property

  • Color
    So, for the color here. If I want to make a custom color, it’ll show you a color picker and it’s sample. In that color picker there is an Opacity/Transparency meter, which is give the sample a transparent color too, but when i check the display it’ll become a solid color again or white color. So i want this feature be able to use. For extra, I hope there are more variant color such Tertiary Color.

  • Table Arrangement Property
    I just want this component’s features added more, as the other layout component. Such background color, Alignment, and the others if it still enough.

B. Block

  • Online Block Creator/Editor
    I don’t understand GitHub so much, and all the codes when I open the source. So I hope there is a simple way, maybe with features that we can create Component and Block without coding. Which is create a code inside it for the source and let us to set the function of the Component and Block.

C. Build

  • Online Compiler/IDE
    Why do i request this? (Based on my experience)Because:
    1. Problem with Emulator
    2. Problem with Companion
    3. More simple you try it online, than you have to reinstall it again and again in your phone. I mean it’ll be easier for us to see how the app run.

Sorry if I don’t understand as much as you guys do or maybe I’m wrong.
Please, let me know more about yours in the comment.
Thank you! :>

Greetings from Indonesia
~ Roy