NEWS API Extension

Ciao a tutti,
this extension use API to search through every article published by over 80,000 news sources and blogs.
First you have to register to receive your free apikey

To request the news about a particular subject.
query the keyword about the argument you are looking for.
from the date where to start your search. Format AAAA-MM-DD
to the date where to finish your search. Format AAAA-MM-DD
language the language news available. List: ar de en es fr it nl no pt ru sv ud zh
sortby the news sorted by: relevancy , popularity , publishedAt
pagesize the max number of articles received. Max 100.
apikey your apikey

To request the top headlines filtered with your parameters
query the keyword about the argument you are looking for. (can be empty)
category The category you want to get headlines for. Possible options: business, entertainment, general, health, science, sports, technology.
country The code of the country you want to get headlines for. Possible options: ae ar at au be bg br ca ch cn co cu cz de eg fr gb gr hk hu id ie il in it jp kr lt lv ma mx my ng nl no nz ph pl pt ro rs ru sa se sg si sk th tr tw ua us ve za
pagesize the max number of articles received. Max 100.
apikey your apikey

The response of your request about news or top headlines
responseCode 200 is a correct answer
response the complete response in json format, if you need more information
source a list with the website where the article is published
author a list with the author of the article
title a list with the title of the article
description a list with a short description of the article
urlArticle a list with the url of the article
urlImage a list with the main image of the article
message a message if there is an error

The source code:
News.txt (10.8 KB)

The extension:
News.aix (16.0 KB)

The sample project:
NewsSample.aia (65.0 KB)

How to use the sample:
1 select Search News or Top Headlines
2 input the parameters to search what you want
3 press Search
4 select an article from the list and read it...

I hope You find useful.
Best Regards

Marco Perrone


I Just Made Same Extension And Was Going To Publish And Found Your Extension I Like It.

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