Hi, New here can you please guide how to register or enroll in the AppInventor gallery account
This is the documentation MIT has provided so far Oluwakemi Gallery Introduction
Logging in and Using the New Gallery
Because the existing Gallery is integrated into MIT App Inventor there was no need for a separate login. Because the new gallery is separate than MIT App Inventor you need to login into it. However, you do not use a separate login. Instead, from the Projects Tab in MIT App Inventor there is a new button “Login to Gallery” that opens the Gallery in a new window and logs you in.
You publish an app in the new gallery by selecting it in the Projects Tab in MIT App Inventor and press the “Publish to Gallery” button. If you are not already logged into the gallery, you will be automatically logged in.
Hello there
I'd like to login to the Gallery but I can't find how to.
One page (https://gallery.appinventor.mit.edu/needregister) tells me to use the "Projet>Login to New Gallery" button...that I don't see anywhere another one (Join the App Inventor Community Gallery!) doesn't help me further.
Can somebody help me please?
Sorry, it was too obvious for me
Nevertheless, I'm still missing something.
This is what I get when cliking the "Login to Gallery" button:
Before you can submit projects to the Gallery, you need to setup your Gallery Account.
You can do this by closing this window, going back to MIT App Inventor and clicking the "Login to New Gallery" button. This will help you setup your account.
Okay, but where is the "Login to New Gallery" button ?
My apologies for asking again; maybe I need new glasses
As I have already done the login setup for the Gallery, so when I click on the Login To Gallery it land me to the Home page. So there might be some new modification has been added to the login setup, which I cann't see. Would be helpful if you share the screen capture of that button for us to know what New Gallery is all about.
What make sence to me is existing Gallery with New Features, that's why it is being called New Gallery, application branding strategies.
As you can see a Join Block
I finally found it!
Thanks a lot