New app or updating the old app?

Application created with App Inventor
The apk name is PEPPE.APK
On Screen1 the VersionName is PEPPE and the VersionCode is 10
If I install the apk from an external source, our website, everything is fine
Then the application is slightly modified, on Screen1 I change VersionCode to 11 and I always generate the apk with the name PEPPE.APK
When I go to install a new apk, I would expect Android to propose me to update the old app but instead installs a new app alongside the first one
Why isn’t it proposed to update the old app?
Could it be because I install it from an external source (not Google PlayStore) ?

the project name is the relevant name!
it seems to be, you changed the project name for the updated version of the app... just use the same project name to get the same package name to be able to update the already installed app


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

Now i try
Thank you