
I am using this extension to check if i am online or not (of course) :slight_smile:
Executing the command netConnected.isOnline, the app sometimes gets frozen for 4 or 5 seconds and at the end it tells me that there is no connection (netConnected.isOnline=false) even if i have connection.
Any idea about what this extension does during the check or how to use it?

Does this happen with Companion and / or the compiled app (APK)?
What device & Android version?

i have the feeling that i have this issue when the quality of connection is low…
maybe it has a timeout (maybe at 5sec) after which it goes out with the response

That’s why I asked for the device and the Android version.

On some devices and mostly under Android 9, the device loses WiFi in standby or it is throttled.

J5C Prime Samsung OS version 8.0.0

So check a Radio / streaming app if it is working in standby. On my Galaxy Note8 it doesn’t. The sound stops / stutters after some minutes in standby.

See e.g. here:

radio is ok, maybe just for bad connection… in italy internet connection is almost like 30 years ago ;(