Needing help to create a data table [Solved]

i wanna build a quiz app but i dont want to create lists of questions and answers and add them into the lists by my hand, it just took too long. So i want to build a data table so that i can just copy and patse or insert an available QandA excel file, i think that would be more comfortable. But i have tried so many ways up to now but couldnt figure it out. Anyone can help me plsss???

There is no “good” method for importing directly from Excel (there is a read only method in an extension somewhere), but you can export your excel file to a csv then use that in AI2.

Alternatively, use Google Sheets

AI2 and Google Drive/Docs/Sheets
HOWTO: Query Any Google Sheet with a Web App.
UPDATED! HOWTO - Upload Any File to Google Drive !
HOWTO: Use AI2 to directly submit Google Form Data
HOWTO: Google Drive - Multiple Files Download (file by file)
HOWTO: Download Google sheet as CSV
HOWTO: Send Data to Google Sheet with Web App
HOWTO: Show Image from Google Drive
HOWTO: Upload Image to Google Drive using base64 and Google Apps Script Web App
HOWTO: Upload Image to Google Drive using base64 using Camera Image
HOWTO: Get Data from Private Google Sheet with A Google WebApp
HOWTO: Get the ID of Image after uploading using base64
HOWTO: Upload CSV or List to Google Sheet
HOWTO: AI2 - Google Sheets - Web App - Create/Read/Update/Delete
HOWTO: OCR Images and Camera Pictures with Google Docs
HOWTO: OCR pdf and image files using Google Docs OCR function
HOWTO: Upload "Any" File to Google Drive
HOWTO: Use google web app and google query to download filtered output as pdf from Google Sheet
HOWTO: Use Ai2 to Delete Images (or other files) on Google Drive
HOWTO: Take Photo, get GPS Location and Address, upload Image to Google Drive, and save Location data to spreadsheet 
HOWTO: Select a Single Row from a Spreadsheet, and howto EDIT that data

Greatly thanks, i’m checking right now.

AAAAAAAAA, i succeeded, tks tks tks tks tks tks tks alot, tks tks tks+n…

Use a web component (listed under Palette: Connectivity) to add a publicly viewable Google Sheets link & query the Google Sheets url. :globe_with_meridians: :blush: :+1:

Blocks Example:

The order of items in the url can change the outcome… just play with it until the desired result is achieved. :arrows_counterclockwise: Learn more about the url query language:

@codo Please edit your answer and add screenshots directly into your post rather than linking to an external site. Thank you.



No need to export the Google sheets into csv manually. Google Sheets can be used as a live database, so that even after publishing an app, to add or edit information won’t require updating the entire app manually to add a csv file.

Basically, use the web component & join text blocks to form links that query google sheets either for the whole sheet or for the specific row. So far it seems to run faster querying a single row at a time.

To learn more about querying a spreadsheet or specific rows/columns, search online, StackOverflow or YouTube keywords like: “How to Google Sheets URL Query Specific Row”. If the query link doesn’t seem to work after trying a few times, just change the order of parts starting with “&”, as it seems Google Sheets likes the links in a specific order.

see also App Inventor Tutorials and Examples: Google Spreadsheet Database | Pura Vida Apps


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

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