Need to add another element from a jsonfile to my listview

Need to add another element from a jsonfile to my listview. When using one element it display in the list
How can I add another element to my list

below is an example of json as well as the blocks being used
{"activationcode":"MJDJ-BPNJ-CDNY-XPJD","serialno":"A00027","company":"CRAIGS BBQ","registrationdate":"2023-01-11T00:00:00.000Z","active":"Y"},
{"activationcode":"NZBD-ZPKK-EJPH-XBAC","serialno":"M000011","company":"Gables Inn","registrationdate":"2020-09-02T00:00:00.000Z","active":"Y"},
{"activationcode":"","serialno":"J00009","company":"Farm Shop","registrationdate":"2022-09-06T00:00:00.000Z","active":"Y"},
{"activationcode":"ZZEP-PYKD-FNDE-HNJE","serialno":"A00009","company":"Old Uncle Charlie's Pub","registrationdate":"2020-11-02T00:00:00.000Z","active":"Y"}

Any help appreciated

ListView.Elements is a list, if you want to add a item, just use "Add items to list" block, then set the ListView.Elements again.

Here's a YAML converter that can turn your JSON into ListView Elements...

yaml_converter.aia (9.2 KB)

thank you . Gonna test it now