Need the blocks for a video call app

Hi all, I was wondering if i could get the blocks for a video call app using custom webview extention.

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Ok See this extension

*This extension is made By Horizon


Can you send the screenshot of the blocks ? @Abhinav_Ranjan

Thank you @Abhinav_Ranjan for reffering to my extension

You can open the link posted by Abhinav and there you'll see whole documentation

Well there are some problems with my laptop so I cant open some websites, and I fear that this website is also one of them. I already tried opening it but it wont open for me. the problem is in my system.

its not possible then fix your device so that you can open websites because everything depends on the website.

Well, then can't anyone just send the screenshots of the important parts ?

No because you need the api keys of your own also from the website. They are the important stuff.

ok thanks a lot for your time.