Need suggestions on searching email messages to filter and get specific set of emails

Hi All,
My current project requires search on email subject / body and extract mail body in plain text CSV

My initial search in puravidaapps as well as in //

lead me to com.extensions.mailer from alegoriasoft however, it did not work as expected for gmail. it worked fine for outlook and yahoo.

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Kindly suggest any other pointers to help with my requirement. Appreciate your help, inputs.

Thanks for your time.

please explain more detail what you want to do?

I removed extension from your post and replaced it with a link to developer's post. Only the developer can directly upload an extension.

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Ok, thanks.

Sure, I stated earlier this task requires to build search on email subject / body and extract mail body in plain text CSV. The CSV output will be fed to another process that would categorise, sort and include additional insights that will add value to the user of the app.


search from where? any fixed format/pattern?

The search will be on users choice of email address (yahoo, google, outlook).
Search pattern/format will not be keyed-in by the user it is handled by the core functionality that gathers insights.

For your understanding, e.g. search term "Career"

have you solved it? I wish to filter new emails using email id.

You may reachout to @vknow360 I think he developed an extension for it. I am not sure if its still listed / maintained.

okay. Thankyou @TxSolve