I was trying to make a "name saving" feature where when you click a button it saves your name
The screen initalize part is where it opens a screen and changes a text to the user's name, it doesn't work, can you guys help?
The screen initalize part is where it opens a screen and changes a text to the user's name, it doesn't work, can you guys help?
if the username is saved in TinyDb, there is no need to pass this username by StartValue.
You can get this userName by TinyDB.getValue in new screen's initialized event.
And normally, there is no need to use TinyDB.Namespace here.
I'll try that
Enter name screen:
Why not test by your self, and tell us what you find?
I don't think there is a need to call the namespace block each time
Just modify it once from the tinydb properties
Add code in screen to save the name to the tag username
Add code in next screen to get value to tag username from tinydb
Problem solved
If it works for you then do mark it as a solution
It works, thanks
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