Need Help with BLE Scan

Good afternoon! This is my first post, so please be gentle if I miss any forum guideline.

I have been trying to make my BLE project work for a long time, but I always get something wrong; I'll explain my intentions and hope someone can guide me. This app should work as a Hide And Seek with phones.

I want several phones, running the same app, to be able to identify each other via Bluetooth scanning (one of the phone is the Catcher and the others scan for him), this scanning has to be constant. If the Advertiser is close enough to one of the receivers, the RSSI intensity determines how long they're from each other, until they are a certain distance away (Bluetooth range) where it starts scanning again.

To make it more user-friendly, I tried to avoid asking for the Bluetooth MAC address of the Catcher (so that every player has the chance to be a Catcher). Hence, I did two different screens to run two different bluetooth codes. But no luck so far. I've tried several different methods but most of them are already deleted or edited beyond readability, so I'll insert my last .aia project (I tried to simplify the process to try and make it work).

I really hope someone out there can guide me, I've already searched through the forum but didn't find a close enough answer, and it's gotten quite frustrating.
Just in case anyone needs more info, i've tried running it in a Samsung Galaxy 8 with Android 9. Thanks a lot in advance!
pruebatres.aia (215.8 KB)