Need help savings account calculator

hi im italian I wanted to create a calculator to calculate the earnings of a deposit account but I can not someone can help me thanks similar to this site Calcolo del guadagno di un conto deposito but I want to create it here I attach a photo of the blocks at this time thanks.

p.s the site was in italian but use the translate

for italian persons: volevo creare un calcolatore per calcolare i guadagni di un conto deposito ma non ci riesco qualcuno puo aiutarmi grazie simile a questo sito: Calcolo del guadagno di un conto deposito
Immagine 2023-01-06 164702

ma voglio crearlo io qui allego una foto dei blocchi in questo momento grazie.

Welcome Sonia.

Perhaps try Tim's example How do I fix the decimal places and how do I remove the zeroes after it? - #3 by TIMAI2 It shows how to calculate compound interest and can be adapted to calculate simple interest.

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