NEED HELP Regarding notifications

I’m making an app using firebase. The app shows sensor values. I want to show the notification if any sensor value (for eg: temperature) falls below 40 degrees. Please help!

Do you want to do this with data stored on firebase, or with data coming directly back from your arduino ?

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Data stored on firebase

The current firebase component blocks do not expose the user/developer to the query possibilities available in Firebase, you will have to call the entire dataset back to your app to do that. You can set up the indexing and querying opportunities with firebase if you use the web component to access the firebase data.

If you want a notification, your app will need to be open in order to send a notification, also, many of the notification extensions may not work on device with Android 8 and beyond. If you just want to use the in app notifier, then not a problem.

Yes, notification when the app is open is fine. Can you help me with this? I’m actually a beginner.

Yes, notification when the app is open is fine. Can you help me with this? I’m actually a beginner.


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Right! But which code blocks would be used? and how? I’m actually confused. I’m using it for the first time.

Whoops, I read your post wrong.
I thought you meant it was working when app was opened, sorry about that.

Have you tried the Notifier Component?

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How do we integrate this notifier with the data from the firebase?

Can you provide some sample data ? (a csv file would be fine)

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I dont have it rightnow. It actually takes realitme values from firebase.

Hello. I am also trying to do the application you made. In other words, when the temperature reaches a certain value, I want the user to get a warning notification. Have you completed your work on this topic? what would you suggest me