yes, i mean the same.. Tag must be the same as what you have used in firebase db
give me some minutes, removing the clock timer ended up messing how my firebase acts.
now by adding another info, it saved on top of another one
no need of timer.. (clock component)
well, now for some reason its not working as it was.
can you explain this part of the code? why do u set the Pb to " "
nice, can you explain what have you done?
I realised that, you want to continue to add the items in the list view. But earlier i have suggested blocks only for first item only to visible in the Lview.. Now if you design blocks, and press button to save the values in fbDB.. then the added items will continue to visible in the list view.. But remember, whenever you save the item, you must clear the listview then only the new item will be add into the listview
add your fb url and test it
Firebase.aia (6.2 KB) [look into Screen2]
Instead of procedure block, you can try (also) with select list item with index 1, 2 and 3
your app has 2 screens, you forgot to make a button to go to the second screen, whenever i open your app, the user gets stuck on screen1
I was accidentally made to work with existing project, so cleared the screen1 blocks, components so it looks like that
I will hint it, thank you
Please test in companion mode
I cannot test in companion mode because my school wifi for some reason blocks the connection between my phone and companion, ill try it out whenever i can.
If so i will give a apk for testing wait..
Testing apk
Edit : sorry, apk is having some prob. After deleting am extension i must refresh but before it clears i compiled so it throws some error. Better check the aia
I'll study the replies of this forum, ill try figure it out things before asking, so it would be a better way to learn. I'll be back if i have further questions; But for now, thanks.
Yo!, ive worked on my code, and its looking better now, but ive got this question, which i cant seem to solve it by myself. Lets say i wanted to only get the key called "Links", but only "Links". Note how my tag is a timer, and it changes every second, just like the number above "302" (which stands to my class number, so it wont change that often, just for another class).
Anyways, my question is, how do i exactly get a certain value, if my tags changes every second?
Look into the code
Add items to the list, i have used three procedure
In that, remove the two and in the first procedure add the key value as Links instead of field 1 and test it. No need to change any other thing. Then depending upon the timer call the procedure of callDB, but everytime listview must be cleared
Heh, this didnt really work
Ive done something like this
This is my current databse, i just want to show "Links, Materia, Noticias" and what holds on them, like what u did here:
Actually wait, i noticed i forgot a block
Regardless, im getting no value from it..
Also you have changed your fb structure (as you did earlier) now you should use only Events lone in get value place . You should not use Events/id
Yes, it will not .. please read my fb structure , images and the get value block then compare with your fb structure., Images....(you will come to know your mistake) put the slash symbol in correct manner. Please read all the replies patiently.. (we will not suggest anyone the not working blocks )
Single calling block lone is enough. No need to use fb block according to the length of the subtags.
Call firebase get value (Events)
If not found, call empty dictionary
That's all, when firebase get value.. (same blocks but keys name alone have to change )