Need Help In Bluetooth Permission for an app on Android 12


I will study your way .

May be another potential reason could be the difference of android security upgrade ?
the last update on the phone where I have still problem is quite new : 2022-09-01 , compare to the one I have in the tablet (where it s work) : 2022-07-01.
I could upgrade the tablet to be sure with the requested 2022-10-01 upgrade, but I am a bit afraid now...

I do not think so.

Hi Anke
I confirm that if I build an apk from my simple aia, and I test it in my phone , I have still the BT problem bug.
If I do exactly the same in my tablet , no problem at all .
(the two equipment have the same Android12 and 31 SDK version...)

May be It coudl help to find ? I don't know .

Post your new simple aia (and the APK, upload it to Google Drive).


Aia and apk are here :aia and Apk test BT problem

Post a screenshot of this APK after the first run:

It should look like this:


For those using BLE, I have posted a beta version of the BLE extension that aims to address the new Android 12 Bluetooth permission logic:


...but do they have the same Bluetooth version?

Since my test APK seems to work for him, it should (also) work with BTClient.

Sorry Anke

in your aia test you didn't go up to the connection itself .
I developped slightly your aia to include this next step ... and it doesn't work still on the phone but worls fine on my tablet again.
I joined your modified aia but basiocally it is this :

BluetoothClient_AI2test_withConnection.aia (9.5 KB)

sorry @Anke : I confirm that my BT server device is also in BT classic

@ewpatton : Many thanks. I downloaded your aix for BT BLE .But In my special case, I have a potential problem in BT classic with BluetoothClient, or more precisely it depend on the phone or tablet ; it works well as before on a tablet for me with relatively old security upgrade (at least requesting one new ) and not ( and this is new - may be still wotrks a few days ago - ) on another phone with newer upgrade.
Could be even not a problem from AI properly !

What about posting a screenshot of my TestBTConnect2.apk (post #48)

Hi Anke
I tried in my phone and it looks like this this time I did not got this error

so this is the result I got

can you share this .aia file


What about posting a screenshot of my TestBTConnect2.apk (post [#48]

in my post #52 , this is not exactly the screenshot of your original TestBTConnect.aia . I add mainly the call BluetoothClient Connect , where precisely the problem occur, and call this new aia as " BluetoothClient_AI2test_withConnection.aia"

Post a screenshot of this APK after the first run:

here is the screenshot of this apk after the BTclient Call , from my phone ( but works from the tablet :slight_smile: )


So, as I assumed, both permissions are requested and granted. In addition, the BTClient_AddressesAndNames are found/displayed.

The main reason for my last test APK was to show that both permissions are requested/granted and the BT devices are shown. And I proved that, didn't I.

You claimed that this was not the case (for your "first phone"):

Hi Anke

Sorry for the confusion, but yes I confirm that your aia succeed to ask me the permissions on the phone.
However the original bug problem is not there in fact but when we call the BluetoothClient adress, after .
As far as I can see, this problem is tricky for me, because it s work on some android device in android 12/ SDK31 but doesn't work and create this bug on some other ( even with the same 12/31 ) .
Could be a problem of parameter in each phone, security level or something else ; Don't really know .

Use Logcat to identify the error. And post stack trace.