Need help how do I check if label contain word in list?

hi i need help, how can i check if a label contain word in list?
what block i need to use?

Hi there,

Try using this block.


This tests if piece is in text.

Edit: If you want a word in a list, try these:



hi there, thank you for helping me :slight_smile:
I already try your block but it always return true on last list (sphagetti)
when i try to change label 1 to pizza it return false
i try to change other, the return is false.
why is this happened?

Perhaps try this way



Sorry, it's my fault. I realized what's the problem now.


Do these work?

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This might work, but if the labe's text is hello world and there is only hello in the list, it returns false.

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@Redynan_frozt If the label's text is France and the list's version is france, do you want it to return true?

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In which case



hi @TIMAI2 thank you for your help :slight_smile:
i already try your block but it doesn't work. coz the text in label 1 is "i want pizza". and i need to recognized if in the list there is food that in label 1 :slight_smile:

thankyou so much @gordonlu310 I already try yur block and it works like charm :slight_smile:
thankyou so much your guidance :slight_smile:

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but how i can check from label 1 "i want pizza" if in the list and extract the word "pizza" from label 1?

I already try this block but the result in label 2 is [false, false, false, true]

Because you did not use the is in list? block? Check the screenshot again in post #4.


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This could other way to examine the presence of word(s) from a list in a sentence

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With one correction, since earlier code block wasn't producing result with confidence.

blocks (22)


Here is a tutorial ( by Sajal. Look for 6. Search for an Item. The tutorial explains why the method 'works' and you may find the explanation useful.


hi all thank you for your help. I already solve the block because all of you.
the greatest thankyou to all of you :slight_smile:
especially @gordonlu310 and @TIMAI2 and @RamNaresh :slight_smile:
cheers :+1:


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