Need help about links and buttons

What I would like is when you click a button it leads you to a new screen and on that new screen it will open a link showing some website/article and when clicking the other buttons it will also open other different websites/articles. I barely have any experience in coding so help is greatly appreciated!

This is what the app would look like:

Do something like this:

Of course you need to change the Buttonˋs and the Screenˋs name for your use

Thanks! But what about the links?

First of, you don't need multiple screens. You can do everything in one screen with just one webviewer.

Switching screen is not how @HQ2000 showed you. Switching forth and back without closing a previous screen will lead to memory problems. You could do it like this

But like I said you don't need that. Stay in one screen, one webviewer and some arrangements that you make visible and invisible if necessary.

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This is an example of setting the home url to open a webpage in the webviewer

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Yeah, you are right, I should have done it more detailed…I am sorry for that

You could also use a Listview instead of buttons

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