Need a list of android components that easily fit in extensions

Need a feedback from experienced guys...
Trying to make customized cardview, listview extensions to fit my expectations, but none of them didn't pass dexing stage during apk building compilation through original site.
Fun that everything work in ai companion(which is obvious because there no packing) but didn't fit into that dexes during apk building,
will be thankfull to any feedback and if someone clarify this mystery for me.

Also will be glad to hear from your expirience which android components perfectly work in building extensions with current ai2 edition.

Thank you!

In what environment are you compiling the extension? Are you using any external jar libraries? There is probably a conflict between yours and the internal libraries.

Could you kindly share the error logs so that we may assist you better? Additionally, please provide information on how you are compiling the extensions.

Enviroment is extension template provided by Mr. ewpatton >>>>>> GitHub - mit-cml/extension-template: Template repository for creating App Inventor extensions . I'm also thinking that its can be something around dependecies. In case of additional information i can add source to test assemble with cardview extension included
oosd.aia (18.9 KB)

mitAppInventorSiteErrorLog.txt (9.9 KB)

in case if someone interested - solved dexing problem with shrinking through proguard "ant extensions -Dproguard=1".
though wasted 3 days for solving)
So in some cases when you see [RunD8] ERROR: d8 failed.
just try
ant extensions -Dproguard=1