My request post works in companion but in apk i get error 1103

why i am getting error 1103 if i get the request post using companion works and not get error 1103?

there is my blocks

recepcion2.aia (331.0 KB)

I change the https for http and get the same results.

I cannot see why your code would work in the Companion - I assume there is code in the web page defined to accept "boton=btnVerTable"?

Please tell us exactly what your process is. When uploading Blocks in the future, use App Inventor to screen capture them - your screenshots are barely readable.

download blocks

yes i am using a php code in the hosting. i need to copy and page the code here?. because in companion its works well but i dont know why i get error using apk in my device. my android is 9

Well, we do not know either...
You might want to get this running:


if i not use request headers my app dont will work getting the values from php and webserver?

Just built your aia to apk and installed on my Android 13. No error when calling the data back.

If you upload your php code, we may be able to understand what is happening. Android 9 is not affected by the latest Google security measures for Android and so should be easier to work with........

In the Web1 Block:

  1. Your 'replace text' code should be performed on responseContent, not on a global List.

  2. Your local variable "valories" is not a list but your code tries to process it as a list. Declare a List before attempting to use it as such.

  3. You need to have a plan 'B' for when a glitch in the system occurs. See Blocks above.

Always give variables, lists, User Interface components and everything else meaningful names!