My Google Sheets are not receiving data


This really shouldn't be an issue for me (IMHO,) - but it is. I thought I had properly replicated the the technique from a previous app to send data to Google Sheets, but I am leaving something out of the equation. I am pretty sure it will be obvious to anyone who hasn't yet become cross-eyed from seeking out a missing bit of code.

If anyone sees my error/omission, please let me know. Thank you for your time.

You are sending a Web request from Screen1.Initialize, containing a couple of global variables.

That event runs before you get any chance to load anything meaningful into those global variables, aside from what you certainly could not know to pre-load into global init blocks.

P.S. call that procedure before you load the URL, so the globals will have data from TinyDB.

Thank you so much, I will examine my order of operations!

Well, I apparently didn't comprehend the full content of what you stated. I came up with the following. I figured that the LocationSensor1.LocationChanged block was the best place to call from. While the user ID issue is fine, and always loads and shows, I am still getting no data on my Google Form Response.

Is there anything else I might look at, or have I done nothing at all in the right direction with these blocks? Thanks!

You and I need to see what was built in that big JOIN going into the URL of the Web Get.

Drop it into a Label.Text before leaving that LocationChanged event.

Then post it here.

Do you notice that the Current Address is not one of the 4 orange local variables being passed in from the Location Changed event?

Maybe it is set in another event, given how it must be coming from some kind of mechanism that knows about street names and house numbers, as opposed to GPS data like latitude and longitude.

Further thought. I read the help on the Location Sensor, and it says there should be a default excuse returned even if it hasn't figured out an address for the current location. That likely includes blanks.

But you are trying to pass an address in a web URL, and those don't allow blanks, so you have to use the Web.URIEncode block to change those blanks to %20 values. Otherwise, they break the URL.

6 posts were split to a new topic: Google Forms May require permissions changes?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Google Forms May require permissions changes?

and see here

Publishing Google Forms