My First extension - Binary converter

Hi guys! today I have completed my extension called binary converter. This converter can convert int value to binary code. My friend @Hrichik has helped me compile the extension. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

component_method (10)

Accepts: int

This can be used in the following way: -

Note - You'll get an error if you enter a value other than int.

Download AIX

Google Drive - Zip file

The AIX is inside the zip file.

BinaryConverter AI2 Extension by Xoma (Kumaraswamy B.G) is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0


I hope you liked my extension!
Any suggestions will be appreciated!



Is it only decimal to binary or all bases to binary?


It doesn't convert decimal, ex

123 value = 1111100 (Binary)

If you ente like 123.1 then you get the same result.

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No i meant does it convert all bases - 10, 8 and 16 to binary?
Because we have a base 10 to binary converter inbuilt


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I don't understand you, I am just 12 year :pensive:

My extension conversion

Inbuilt component

thank you, this looks like a good start into building extensions...

Please also follow the naming conventions, which is UpperCamelCase for property, method and event names (i.e. the first letter should be a capital letter) and lowerCamelCase for parameter names, no underscores .




Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.


Wow, I really like that extension,
Thank you for making that extension @Kumaraswamy.
Good Work :grin: :+1:


Good start Xoma


Thanks, see what's coming next in next 7 mins!

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Excellent start! Let me tell you, if at 12 years old you are doing this, you are up to big things in the future!
Keep going! :+1:
As a challenge, try to build an extension for something people need and App Inventor can't do with simple built in blocks.


Thanks, I will am trying to make an extension that can convert binary to string and back again. :relaxed:


I am trying to create converter extension which can convert binary to string and back again with other conversions like octal. Do you need this in the same extension or separate?

  • Same
  • Separate
  • Don't care

0 voters

Is this a question? Or you joking sorry but what if app inventor was made different website for designer and different for blocks? Sorry but it does not make any sense

as Italo already said

try to build an extension for something people need and App Inventor can't do with simple built in blocks.

see also the already available convert number block

PS: please also do not mix your different threads... I moved your last post into the correct thread, which is this one... thank you...


I am trying to create conversions between STRING and BINARY by there is no block or that...

taken from here MIT App Inventor Math Blocks

can you provide an example of that string, which you like to convert into binary?
PS: please keep the discussion in the community rather than sending my a PM... thank you...

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AI2 lacks a string to byte list converter for use by people coding for data communication.
Likewise for the opposite direction: byte list to string.


Interesting idea.
Unfortunately byte[] can't be returned from a method in app inventor but we have list as workaround.

By byte list, I am referring to the Bluetooth data streams typified in this Ble block from

  • BytesReceived – The BytesReceived event is run when one or more byte values are received from a connected Bluetooth device. Depending on the sign parameter of the last call to ReadBytes or RegisterForBytes for the given serviceUuid and characteristicUuid , the byteValues list will contain numbers ranging from -128 to 127 ( signed = true ) or 0 to 255 ( signed = false ). Parameters :
    • serviceUuid ( text ) — The unique identifier of the service passed in the read or register call.
    • characteristicUuid ( text ) — The unique identifier of the characteristic in the read or register call.
    • byteValues ( list ) — A list of values read from the device. The range of each value will depend on the sign flag previously specified in the call to read or register.

when BluetoothLE1 BytesReceived serviceUuid characteristicUuid byteValues do