My app won't open, AAPT execution failed

I create an app with FireBD for first time, when I tried installing it the error of the photo appeared, I duplicate the project and it dissappeared, so now I'm able to download it but when launched it the app won't even let me access the first screen it just won't run, I don't know how to fix this I tried installing it in android in ios and nothing. I'll appreciate some help):


There are a lot of reasons for the AAPT error. Since you did not show your blocks we are unable to know what caused the issue, but these are some educated guesses.

I'm reading similar issues as mine and I think it might be the server where I'm creating my projects, apparently the FireDataDB causes issues at the moment of open the apps if it's not in a US server but I don't know how to create a project in a different server..