My app is 44.2mb and I can’t download it

Excuse me, my app is 44.2mb and I can’t download it, or add to gallery what should I DO?

How to overcome the App Inventor project limit of 30 MB


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

Excuse me, could you try logging in with my account and downloading the app and then send it via email, that would help a lot.
If you need my details for my account, please email me.

Hello there,

My app size is 44.2mb, so would it be able to be downloaded on the MIT app inventor Amazon Web Services,

And is there a way to transfer an app from the original MIT app inventor to the MIT App inventor Amazon Web Services?

Please don’t spam the forum by creating multiple topics about the same thing.

For your project to be that large you either have a few large assets or many small assets. Typically if you can't export it's the latter (retrieving files is a time-expensive operation). You may want to download individual assets back to your computer and then remove them from the project to get it small enough to export. We can't really export it for you because the limits are placed on us by Google--they're not imposed by App Inventor.

Sir can you share your project ?

Can you share your project apk I would like to test it if possible