Hi.. I'm doing a system that stores users' infos in Firebase. So, lets say if User A logged in for the first time, hence he will be directed to fill in his particulars. However, if User B has logged in before, thus he will be redirected to other pages. I know I have to use the ''if else'' block. What other blocks should I use? Thanks!
also (advanced use)
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To summarise:
First, the firebase will scan through whether the login detail matches the one in database. Then, I wanna proceed it with scanning if there is any value for thumbposition.
So, I want to place the "if then'' into the firebase Got value block. So if the Firebase has store the Thumbposition value before, it will redirect to page 4. Otherwise, it will go to page 2. I know I shouldnt be using get value for "ThumbPosition", but I dont know how...