Mit inventor sendig SMS problem with Android 13 and 12

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Anyway there is a serious problem to sending SMS with Android 13 and 12

No need to tag anyone who has replied to this topic

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I don't want to be tagged anymore.
I answer when I see fit and not when someone asks me to.

I thought that you are one of the developers of the mit inventor and that you are responsible for answering the problems. I did not know that you have no responsibility in mit inventor

That has nothing to do with it, you do not need to tag community users who have taken part in the conversation.

If you also read @SteveJG 's post, he has no problem with sending a direct message using Android 13, so the problem you are experiencing may lie with your blocks code / environment?

As I posted earlieer, you should use the main server.

Yes it confirms.

Copy the aia of the app you used onj the test server to your desktop.
Then load the aia on the main server and test your app.

Your app should work on Android 11 or 12 or 13 if you use the main server. :slight_smile: Just try it.

This code works on Android 13, try it Trying to get and send GPS location - #2 by SteveJG

Thanks to everyone who helped me.Yes you are right, the program that was built with the main server worked without any problems in android 13 and 12 and 11

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