Mit inventor sendig SMS problem with Android 13 and 12

Not on this page written version 2.65

App Inventor still specifies its target SDK as Android 12, not Android 13, so there shouldn't be any differences in behavior between Android 12 and 13 yet. We would need to see what blocks you're using and how you're using them to get a better understanding of what could go wrong between the versions.

Uploading: blocks.png...

This program works in Android 11, but not in Android 13, but if we replace SendMessageDirect with SendMessage, it will not work in Android 11 .

Does anyone have any ideas?

Earlier you said you are using the test server.. Are you using the main server or the test server? You should be using the main App Inventor server. Are you using Companion 2.66u? I you are not seeing that your Companion is using 2.66u, you have work to do.

SMS does work with my Samsung Android 13 phone just fine. :slight_smile:

Do you mean that we don't need to use the test server for android 13 anymore? ok i ll try with main server .and How can I find out which companion(2.66 or 2.66u) I am using? and how can i use companion 2.66u?

Can this confirm that I am using the 2.66u version?

@ewpatton @TIMAI2 @SteveJG @Anke

I used the link of Mr. @ewpatton 's server site( that he posted to fix the Android 12 sending SMS problem. If this site is no longer needed, why doesn't Mr. @ewpatton remove its link? I am really confused which server to use.

The AI2 test server has nothing to do with the API level of your testing devices.
It provides some bugfixes that have not been released on the main server.

Both servers are targeting Android 12 (targetSdkVersion = 31).

i had problem with sending SMS that solved with that test server but now i have this problem with android 13 and maybe with android 12( bacause i have not a device with android 12 to test it)

(mod edit tags deleted)
Anyway there is a serious problem to sending SMS with Android 13 and 12

No need to tag anyone who has replied to this topic

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I don't want to be tagged anymore.
I answer when I see fit and not when someone asks me to.

I thought that you are one of the developers of the mit inventor and that you are responsible for answering the problems. I did not know that you have no responsibility in mit inventor

That has nothing to do with it, you do not need to tag community users who have taken part in the conversation.

If you also read @SteveJG 's post, he has no problem with sending a direct message using Android 13, so the problem you are experiencing may lie with your blocks code / environment?

As I posted earlieer, you should use the main server.

Yes it confirms.

Copy the aia of the app you used onj the test server to your desktop.
Then load the aia on the main server and test your app.

Your app should work on Android 11 or 12 or 13 if you use the main server. :slight_smile: Just try it.

This code works on Android 13, try it Trying to get and send GPS location - #2 by SteveJG

Thanks to everyone who helped me.Yes you are right, the program that was built with the main server worked without any problems in android 13 and 12 and 11

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