Hello everyone,
We have updated ai2.appinventor.mit.edu with the latest bugfixes from the Blockly update. Here's a list of what's been addressed:
- Adjust autoscrolling behavior to be a function of the pointer not the block bounding box
- Fix an issue where the "Do It" bubble would update contents but not appear
- Fix an issue where procedure argument names would show as "undefined"
- Fix an issue where extension blocks in the backpack would cause it to not render correctly
- Fix an issue where every move of the workspace would cause the companion app to refresh
- Fix an internal build issue
- Fix an issue that would cause the source structure explorer to change shape
- Fix an issue where logic operators set to external inputs would get stuck in a dragging state
- Fix an issue where the "Remove Unused Blocks" menu item stopped working
Evan W. Patton, Ph.D.
Lead Software Engineer, MIT App Inventor