MIT App Inventor Login

Whenever I've been trying to login to app inventor it keeps showing this error. I asked others and they have also not been able to login to app inventor.

me too

Also me

It might be because you logged in, then immediately switched to another tab for 5 minutes. You must wait and do not leave the MIT App Inventor login tab until you are logged in.

EDIT: I can confirm, this issue does the server down?

Same here tried multiple times. Unable to log in.

The Server is down, please wait.

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Server is available again for me.

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The Server is back :koala:

The Server is back :koala:

The Server is back :koala:

The Server is back :koala:

The Server is back :koala:

The Server is back :koala:

Wait @ChrisWard, how many times did you post the same post ??

I tried to reply to everyone that raised the alarm, so that they would know the Server was running again, as soon as possible.

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