Two days to go to the …
It will start July 12th 00:00 GMT. That is Greenwich mean time.
Two days to go to the …
It will start July 12th 00:00 GMT. That is Greenwich mean time.
Here you can see all entries for the Hackathon.
You can watch all videos and vote if you like an app very much.
The finalists for the Hackathon, based on scoring from the judges, have been announced:
I can't find the authors' names on the finalists list...
have I overseen something?
Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.
No, that's an oversight on my part. I'll update the list.
thank you
here some another feedback from the Kodular community
I also think so, with the app name they should also show authors name.
Some participants of the MIT App Inventor Hackathon were interviewed by CNN.
It’s great to see girls/women taking an increasing interest in programming. Just imagine how much there is to come as 50% of the population gets more into it.
wrong year, duplicate post...closing