MIT App Inventor for iOS Version 0.9.12

Whenever an innovation is indicated, you always make the mistake of assuming that everyone knows what you are writing about, it doesn't.
In my case, I understand from what you write that an update to Appinventor in autonomy should show me this innovation, but I ask you: in which appinventor why in what I am using: not I see nothing so can you tell me where I find this exceptional news and how can I install or use the Appinventor you refer to?

after this update, Does Extension Developer has to create extension based on Swift. Or appinventor automatically convert the java code to Swift.

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The community has a great option for looking for such things try to use it :wink:

When we do public updates to App Inventor we make announcements using the splash screen. The iOS version is not generally available so we post the updates here. Users of the iOS version also can opt to receive these as notifications through the TestFlight app. Once the iOS version is in the App Store we will switch to announcing via the splash screen as we do with Android releases.

What does it mean by below? @ewpatton
As the apps will go through same Apple checking even if extensions are included or not.

"code not approved by App Store review"

App Store Review Guideline 2.5.2 stipulates:

If the companion app loaded binary code for extensions similar to what the Android version does, that would be a clear violation of the guideline. Compiled apps won't have this restriction because the extension binary can be linked at build time and so it would be considered part of the app bundle submitted to Apple.

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Oh, now I understood that.

As companion is downloading the code from (appinventor local server) server and executing it so, that would be a clear violation of the guideline. However as it loads the app code from server and executes it, its still violating the app store guideline as they are not checked either?

I'm not sure I understand your question.

My question more simplified:

As the companion loads the app code (when we scan the QR) from server and executes it, its still violating the app store guideline as they are not checked by apple either?

As apple guidelines says

"nor may they download, install, or execute code which introduces or changes features or functionality of the app"

But the functionality of companion also changes when we scan the code (until we restart the app)

I think this case does not go beyond the guideline because the code of the components that are in the app inventor already exists in the companion

We believe that App Inventor will fall under the education exemption seeing as the design and blocks are done by the student and that internally the code is reviewable by App Store Review when we submit it. Extension code doesn't meet the criteria set out by App Store Review as it isn't editable as part of the app experience.

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Yeah, I got that. Thanks :smiling_face:

Hopefully Yeah

Dear ewpatton I'm following with interest your work on MIT App Inventor for iOS 0.9.12.
As far as I built a good App in Android, I'll intend to write same App for iOS.
Question: where should I download Version 0.9.12
Great work
All the best

it is in progress. will be published soon

I also hope it launches soon, but it seems that only the companion will launch soon so you can not yet publish or install the app on iOS

Thank you for your kind info

I just want to make sure I understand this correctly. Does this mean only Apps that do not use extensions can be run on IOS devices? I was unable to run an app on an iPad. It keeps getting stuck at 97% after using Connect/AI Companion. Capture attached.

Yes, extensions cannot (currently) be used for iOS apps.

Thanks Anke. Is there a chance they will be in the near future? If so, any ETA?