Mit App Inventor Chat to code (Aptly)

When will it be available?
Announced since 2022 Introducing Aptly that Turns Ideas into Working Apps

Aptly is an ongoing research project and not yet ready to be a production level service. We will be posting an updated blog post soon with some highlights of new features we have been working on.

When will the article be published?

as above, no firm date...

i am waiting for this , very excited to this aptly implementation , but when it will be in public

when the aptly will be in public , i was waiting for this ,
@Selim_Tezel @ewpatton
2024-06-18 - 16_21_03 - (247) Apps Out of Thin Air_ Turn Spoken Ideas into Original Mobile Apps with AI! - YouTube

Aptly is an active research project and not generally available to the public. We do not have a timeline for when we will release it as a formal product.

Salute to this great work, Evan and team.
Much appreciated if I could be part of the testing team.