I found the solution to the BLE permission problem at a post from @ABG Since I am very new to the blocks concept, I wonder if it was possible to provide me with a copy of those (working example) blocks from ABG into my project. There are a number of blocks in Anke's post that I cannot find , like the blue "ïf" one in the top of the block. Can someone help me out here?
Thanks for replying. I am using MIT APP Inventor block editor and it is not possible to drag and drop as you mentioned. So what is the secret to get this done?
@Anke can I somehow copy your BLE solution into my project? I have a project for moving my Mcqueen but need your Bluetooth aix in there to get it working.
I was not clear in text. What i mend was how to import your bluetooth aix into mine project . I have a project to command the Mcqueen via Bluetooth but want to include your aix to do the connection business . I hope this is clearer...