MIT-App-Inventor and Google-Sheets

Hello, hello everyone, could someone help me? I'm new to this site and I have a problem, I've been stuck on this for a while.
I have created two buttons, for example "button2" and "button3", to "button2" I added a "Slicer1" to be able to choose an integer, between 1 and 100. My intention is to use an external button, "button4" so that The number you choose goes to a specific cell in Google-Sheets, but I want to do it several times, that is, I want "button3" to also add a value, in another cell other than "button2" I hope you understand. If you don't understand it, tell me and I'll try to explain it better, thank you very much.

Okay, I found the example, although it refers to a date, would it also work with the number that the slicer dials? How would that be done? Thank you very much for the help.

Please show your relevant blocks

"slicer dials" ?

This is my blocks.

And this is what appears on my mobile, when I use the application

I want to move the "slicer", for example to the number 5 that it says in the photo, and when I press the button 4, said number is sent to a specific cell, in Google Sheets

It is called slider

Use the button4 click event to send the thump position of the slider to the Googlesheet, see again the Googlesheets FAQ


Ok, I'll try to do it, thank you very much

Hello, I still haven't been able to solve it, now I'm trying using the Spreadsheet. I have written this code.

Follow the setup instructions
