MIT App Inventor and 100+ esp32, how could I do this?!


All that, already I have in the image that I upload with the blocks. Above you have it.

KK.aia (54.9 KB)

then what's your issue now? and what's you blocks/ screen shot?
image will be enough, not aia.

Wait a moment please to save and upload them all.

The .aia.

KK.aia (54.9 KB)

The blocks.

My problem is that I don't know what I need to use to display the numbers that you generate already in the correct order to display them all in the "red" first top-left rectangle.

I must use global variables, lists, operations with lists, and so on. Those things I don't know who, what, and how.

No your problem is do not listen to other's advise.

I have said this twice, but you did not follow me.

Ok, I remove them, and I start to try to understand.

now after (out of ) the if then block, create a va; inside va, create a ha; inside ha, creat 3 labels.

Give me please, few minutes.

I start to understand... Is not needed more for 1-16, 1-3, and so on... it is generating somehow "static" labels not arrangements. Interesting approach.

wait, I have errors from hurry...

Correct one, genial. You're genial. Simply as that. What a straightforward approach... Impressive, just impressive.

More simple as that it is impossible, I bet.

Thank you, thank you, thank you very much.

But... I must generate some more arrangements to delimitate all in "outer cells". "smaller cells" and so on, but I think that is an easy task.

What a genial approach... Thank you again.

hope you understand how this extension works.

I perfectly understand how this extension works with just 3 (for the moment) exceptions.

  1. Why do you use procedure at the start, and what does it mean?!

  2. Which is the logic behind generating the numbers!!!

  3. What does "elevation" and what parameters need?

Thank you.

  1. just my habit to make a group of codes in a procedure.
  2. i don't understand this question.
  3. with bigger number , you get more shadow.
    • you generate the numbers in perfect order for cells-ID, which is the logic behind?!

if you read the document carefully. Normal the new component will appear at the end, but set property of Index can change the order of the component.

"Document" - which?! where?! I want/must read them.

where did you download this extension? search compcreator.