MIT App Inventor and 100+ esp32, how could I do this?!

A last example about the horizontal scroll problem that I have. To access the right cells that are hidden off-screen, I must modify the width of the already done cells from the middle right of the screen from 75px to 9px, to bring on the design useful part of screen the hidden cells to add canvas/background for canvas... and so on. After I finish that part, I must correct the width of the already minimized cells from 9px to 75px, to have a correct preview of my work.

I know that AI2 is specially made for phones/low-resolution tablets/Chromebooks. But the future arrived, this wonderful piece of software that is MIT App Inventor if it can be used on... Let's say scientific purposes... Where a lot of data is processed and must be displayed... It needed big screens. As the world tries to put a computer in our pockets, and that is a piece of wonderful news... The same world doesn't accompaniate this microcomputer with some microscope like... Vision (or... howk/eagle vision :rofl:).

If somebody from MIT is curious about the nightmare behind this work... I can count for them how many times the editor crashes, how many times the companion crashes/stuck, and so on...

One after the other, anyway... AI2 continues to be my... secret love :kissing_heart:

Just make them not visible

If somebody can/wants, it can make a tutorial about one way to manage this no horizontal scroll problem. Feel free to use any text or images if somebody thinks they have some utility. It took me a while to manage this no horizontal scroll in the designer part of AI2, as I'm a noob/inutile on AI2 (almost sure that like me exists... tons...)!

Before the nightmare ends on the designer.

Before the nightmare ends on the companion.

After the nightmare part 1 ends on companion.

All cells are in gray mode due to the fact that I want to say that are not used, when a cell is used, will have some border colors or fill colors, which I'll see in the future.

Thank you @TIMAI2. In the future, I'll try your suggestion, due to the fact that will be "nightmare part 2, nightmare part...n...: almost sure. :sob:

You could also place each "column" inside a vertical arrangement, then you just have to hide the arrangement to hide the whole column.

You should be building this with a responsive design, so that the display would be different depending on the screen size. I understand that your target display will be of a certain size, though, so perhaps this is simply a development issue.

Development would be much easier, in my view, if you used a dynamic components extension in order to generate your component display. Not sure I understand what your issue is with using extensions?

Don't create your own nightmares....

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I have a vertical arrangement, inside this, I have two horizontal arrangements, one for the header and one for the cells, in the left place of the vertical arrangements of the cells I have another vertical arrangement for a menu.

I can't use the invisibility of a column in that case because I need to restore that column that I'll hide on the first step and I don't see it when I want to make it visible again and I must fund it between almost 300 arrangements. The method to make the entire column smaller (9px, 9 px because is the biggest dimension with only one number, 10 for example has 2 numbers).

It made no sense to use responsive design when I made this app only for a dedicated resolution, a dedicated dimension of a screen. From my point of view, I don't understand that sense.

Seems that I'm doomed to find the only extension that I can't use for a specific purpose, I have had luck in the past with Antonio's BLE, it worked like a charm, but I have no culture/experience with what any extension does, it will take me two lives to test all extensions and unfortunately I have only a few percent from one life.

Anybody is more than welcome to recommend extensions that can do what I need because now you, all that have experience/culture on AI2 extensions, can see what I need and are almost sure you know something that can do that in the easy way that I need.

I have no issue with using extensions, to prove that... I invite anyone who can make an extension to contact me on prived with a price for an extension that daw squares on canvas. If I can afford the price, without any problem I'll buy it (I have no idea about prices for extensions!!!)

More... In the future, I will need more dedicated extensions!!! As the app will have a shape. For that reason, I put on Work for Hire this announce, nobody answers constructively, I was damned that I make publicity, that the children's are in danger... and so on... But nothing about the essence of what I write.

Thank you for your time, Dan

Back to our business... here in this thread with the big screen resolutions and apps for those resolutions...

@TIMAI2 post here... A dynamically generated layout with the help of various extensions.

I do some tests (now I have the final hardware/software machines... ).

I found some weird latencies on the TIMAI2 dynamic approach. I want to say that after some initial latency that TIMAI2 already specifies, seems that it has another latency when I touch the cells and the notifier recognizes the touched cell. Anyway on some tablets, the notifier is not shown!!!

From my intuition point of view, the dynamic approach will generate more and more latency problems (and possible more different problems) in the future. I don't know if this is the best approach for my app.

From a static approach point of view (that can be the future development of my apps), when I already generated all interfaces, all layouts, and all variables, the logic that will be developed behind this will be easier to follow/use, and so on. The possible latency that can be generated by the logic will be normal, and I think that will be without importance.

Anyway... The static approach... Still are a headache nightmare because AI2 is made for smartphones/low-res tablets. But... Once terminated the layout/interface/variables... The rest will be a piece of cake... For the genial part of humanity... For me, it will be the same...

BTW... For AI2 developers... Can you give a solution... In half-hour to those problems?! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: , I'm joking...

You might be able to generate your display using SVG graphics in a Web Viewer.
Needs study and experimentation.

Thank you @ABG for the time to take a look here.

What I will write, I'll write from an intuitional point of view...

Android apps/AI2 apps/Google apps are developed for many things, from games to maps, from database interrogations to advertising, and so on...

Even... I saw a few intents to approach even some "scientific" points of view. I mean somewhat "real-time" things, heart rate monitors, potentiometer chartings... and so on. I'm even testing on another thread, here on this community, the power of AI2 on "real-time" communication with some esp32 over Bluetooth, clocks, and so on...

It works.

From that point, I want to use AI2 and Google platforms for some kind of real scientific approach.

And the most important question is... It can?!

As I mentioned in another thread, I'm a noob in what it can AI2/GoogleOS'is, is about how close are those to "real-time" applications.

Let me give you two examples... Owon oscilloscopes... Seems that supports "SCPI commands", which means some strings over some communication bus and some drivers (in the case of GooglesOs I don't know if it is mandatory those drivers like...). Another example is the SCI chart (out there are about 3 similar charts that I've discovered until now, that claim that are the best in town... It must be studied).

If you, the genial people here, can/want/have time to pay some attention to that... I bet that can be made some... Very interesting things in a world dominated until now by Labview and so on, eg: plasma sputtering, simulators, high-tech tools control, industrial apps, and so on...

The simplicity and the accessibility of AI2 are impressive, from my point of view, of course. With that, it can be done some... small miracles on "real-time" apps.

Back to your affirmation about...

Of course, that same thing can be done in many manners and many approaches... The real question is...

Which is the best?!

As Shakespeare says... "to be... or not to be... the best... this is the question..." :wink:

PS - was Shakespeare extrapolated to AI2...

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Ok: Now that you invoke the Scientific Approach :alembic: :test_tube: :petri_dish: :dna: :microscope: :telescope: :satellite: :syringe: :drop_of_blood: :pill: :toolbox: :xray: :stethoscope:

  • Fulfilling our fate i'm heeding the call

1- For each (100) Esp32 you have an X (10 or 1000) of parameters, thats means that you have a relation 1 to Many or Many to Many [depending on the approach].

2- Instead triying to show them all (and they parameters) in one screen, you need to think ¿what is the dominant value that i need to show? (¿The Esp32 or parameters?).

3- when you get the answer of that question, use this approach:

  • Use a backend as service like Supabase, to ensure that all Esp32 are connected and in real time

  • Use this Pager Extension to list them all (parameters or Esp32).

  • Use Dynamic Components to show all the secondary values.

  • UDP protocol conection, etc.

  • Bluetooth only can conect 5 devices (in certain tablets [expensives ones]) without lossing conections or packets.

  • In that way you can list all the ESP32 and name it, ex; Motors Room, Alarms, etc. and they parameters like; voltage imput, voltaje output, voltage variance, light sensors, humidity sensors, etc.


Esp32 as dominant
  • List all the Esp32 on your pager header & Horizontal scroll Arrangement; so every time that one of them it's selected, the pager show all the parameters Like: Volatje, Wats, Leds on/off, Motors, etc... in the Vertical scroll Arrangement.

  • Use the id of the component clicked to INSERT, MODIFY, DELETE, ETC. the data or send message to an especific ESP32 to shoutdown or something.

Parameters are dominant
  • In this case the pager header need to be the parameters and list in the vertical scroll

  • May be that you have more Esp32 than parameters to show, ex; 100+ Esp32 and 10 or 30 parameters.

  • May be its more important have listed all the Light sensors and acced to a particular Esp32 (to find errors, see the lights are all ON, etc.)

  • Likewise, from the database you can manage all the logic through functions and triggers, so that the app weighs little and does what it should do.

Take into account that the cell phone or tablet where you run has limited resources (ram memory, storage, graphics, etc.)

but the server side is much more optimized and has enormous amounts of resources for the scalability of any project, as well as the security of always being online.

  • I could send you an AiA resolving all the doubts that occur to you, but I could only send you on Wednesday or Thursday of this week (at the time of this post, here in Argentina :argentina: it is Sunday 3:30 pm).

"...I guess it's tempting to think that if the only tool you have is a hammer, you can treat anything like a nail...."

Maslow - The Psychology of Science (1966)

  • For this reason, it is important to know each and every one of the tools that exist and we have (or not) at hand.
  • Science is a lot of optimization and reduction of resource consumption (less is more), just like nature. That's why "easy ways out" usually consume a lot of resources, causing the system to crash.

If you have 100 Esp32 and each of them has 30 parameters, which send/store information every 1 minute, you have 3000 data of different byte lengths, trying to enter at the same time on your cell phone/tablet (per minute), scale it to an hour, a day, etc.
The energy consumed by Bluetooth would be absurdly high, the signal band would have to be large and... the life cycle of the battery?

You need to optimize.

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I was tempted to analyze every proposition from what you posted here. I have no time for this...

So... My conclusion...

What you post above, from my point of view, is aberrant speculations or speculative aberrations. Anyway, it has no sense and/or connection with the subject.

I ask you please if you can't help, you're welcome to read. But... Please do not add together a bunch of nonsense and throw up here.

Thank you, Dan

PS - If I'm wrong, please somebody correct me...

You are wrong.

There are some useful suggestions and ideas in the post by @Jonathan_Urbina1 which should not necessarily be dismissed without trying them, or variants of them.

Your response is not dis-similar to many other responses you have made to community users offering help and advice.

If you continue to respond in that manner, your are unlikely to get any further help.

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I use above the "Scientific Approach" as a result of an app made in AI2, I do not affirm that here or on esp32 or AI2 is no science. If an MIT community is no science... where is it?!

Speculations - I write above or on another thread about 1-5 parameters.

I don't see the sense of that affirmation, how can there be "many to many" on my project - I don't find the sense.

I specified already that MUST be all parameters on one screen, for that reason I searched for 27"/4K solution and already I spent $1.5K. About what we speak here?!

Overall... what importance can have the esp32?! For what I need something about esp32?! I need to work with esp32 to acquire some parameters... and send them over somewhat to the app. - I don't see the sense of the above.

I can't have answers to questions that I don't see the sense.

I will not analyze the "Hero" part from both pages, from the pages of Supabase and Firebase. If I want something like that, I use Firebase.

I don't see the sense of knowing that the esp32 is connected, I see the sense that the data is transmitted and received, which is automatically checked by the protocols.

I have only one page - I don't see the sense.

I don't have "secondary values" - If I don't have this... I don't see the sense...

I will use ESP-NOW probably or another native protocol ESP-MESH or another protocol... It is a huge amount of pages to read for this...

False. Maximum connected device - 7

All over the internet exists this information. What if I start this project without knowing already this information?! I'm not an amputated brain...

I explain above in images the logic behind this app. It has nothing to do with esp32 - dominant or parameters - dominant!!

Can be talked in account without testing?! No.

Same thing... Testing...

For this, I can thank him very much but... Is very optimistic. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions". This app must be approached step by step, not a Holly Graal like approach.

Above I specified already the fact, that more heads are more than one, one head never ever vill make this app. Until now is not been made!!

The science is much more than that, here we will not have a plemic about that.

The parameters, the energy, the optimization... and so on... have no sense here, I'm not at this stage.

So... For me has no sense all above. I'm sorry about that.

As I say, it is possible that I'm wrong.

For the moment I have the final machine. The next step Is to test the static/dynamic layout. I will use Wifi, not Bluetooth as the Bluetooth has limited connections...

About what this gentleman wrote?! I don't understand... If I don't understand... It makes no sense...

Anyway, please forgive me, I do not intend to offense anybody.

Thank you, Dan

  • You are completely wrong.
  • I thought you were a science person, but no science person would discard even a mere assumption without first thoroughly understanding it and then experimenting with it.
  • I thoroughly know each of the words and implications that I posted above.

I live and work in a country where absolutely all resources are scarce, especially if we talk about "science" and "education" (research, development and innovation).

My work is industrial automation, home automation, robotics, data science, scanning and signal detection, as well as processing a lot of data in real time, as well as their application to architecture, engineering, social development and social assistance [Data-driven management systems]...

So PLC's, Arduinos, Fpga's, Esp32, Microcontrollers, PCB's, Raspberry's, Etc... I eat them for breakfast, I know them all and I know their pros and cons (at a low level)

But my job also includes teaching, and I cannot teach something I do not know, as well as knowing how to guide in what is unknown.

Ergo, my duty is to know.

This year I started fully with Appinventor and even though I have been reading the documentation (platform and extensions) for 4 months, I still don't get the correct approach for my app; assuming that it will have enormous amounts of data per second.

  • And each of the tested approaches has its trade-offs.

I know more about systems, software and hardware (digital and analog) than you could ever imagine.

  • I don't know when you dared to talk about science, with that thought
  • There is no "My conclusion" in science.
  • You don't even know what you're talking about, but... the approach would already be clear to you, as well as its management, and you would only ask precise questions, you would know how to handle the hardware, etc.
  • I invite you to read, start with the appinventor documentation, its extensions, pros and cons, and at least ask GPT what Bluetooth technology is.

So, in that way, you would have all the answers you are looking for, without taking up others' time, appealing to something as noble as science.

  • Your words not even worth the Kb used on the host.

Thnx @TIMAI2.

If I remember correctly, I participated in one conversation about Hackintosh. There I write above what I make about Hackintosh. I participated in a conversation about the fact that I don't find how it can be arbitrarily placed labels and it was a promise. I have the subject with 27"/4K that I argue all that I write.

I don't write about something that I don't know, I don't make affirmations that I can't prove.

  • 100*5 = 500 in 1 window???? Really??? There is something called information bombardment, when you manufacture an HMI, you take this into account to prevent so much compacted information from ending up having the opposite effect to what you are looking for.

  • How do you expect to see the Esp32 Labels to which those parameters belong, etc.

  • You talk to me about "I can work with mesh" and you don't even know what an identity relationship is.
  • Excellent! You have it super clear!
  • That question doesn't make sense, simply because you don't know what you're talking about, especially when you're talking about 100+ Esp32 with 5 parameters each.

keep watching cartoons!

You have no idea what you're talking about, there are many paradigms when it comes to databases, each with its pros and cons. I know very well what I'm talking about when I tell you not to mess with Firebase.

To the point of telling you that with that amount of Esp32 and parameters... hopefully you will have 6 hours of use before Firebase blocks the app.

  • You don't even distinguish the difference between page and pager.
  • :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: And above you dared to say that mine is pure speculation regarding the many to many relationship.
  • And I'm 100% sure you didn't read any, but... You would already know what you're talking about.
  • :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: What version of Bluetooth? on what chip? What devices does the chip and version run on? how many failed packets? how much battery does it consume? How wide should the band be?

Maybe the super duper iPad XXL that will be released in 1 year can handle 7 devices.

  • What you're saying doesn't even make any sense, because you make it quite clear that it seems like you are. (especially because of the derogatory way you respond)
  • Exactly for that reason!!!!
  • If I'm reading that your scientific experiment consists of putting your fingers in the socket to feel the scalar and quantum waves run through your body... It's like I already know the result. (One distinguishes the lion by its claws)
  • Post the Logs of the device (it is the same as saying that you upload the video of when you put your fingers in the plug)
  • That's why I only told you about the tip of the iceberg, so that you could delve deeper into the subject, and know what you were going to face.

But you are the typical Bootcamp that wants to go from 0 to 100 which takes a long time.

  • Speak for yourself, I do it all the time, that's why I was talking to you about my approach.
  • yes, and you dishonored his name.
  • You want to fit 500+ things on a single screen!!!!!

If anything makes no sense at all, it's what you're saying!

I honestly think I am arguing in vain, as if it were a wall.

I'm not.

You're wrong, I'm not a science person, I'm not a scientist. I have no genial answers, I have no genial questions, or not here... at least. In fact... we all are some... small scientists... if you think...

"The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers, he is one who asks the right questions."

Because we, All... have questions. For that reason, we are here.

I was born in a country with the Soviet Republic 60 years of influence. Please believe me that I know what money means. I have 35+ years in electronics sciences, In all countries the resources for science, and education are scarce. I know from my personal experiences what R&D means, on a financial plan.

Congratulations if it is true. I saw on the internet many "professionals" with "master in electronics" that buy an electronic tool or product only because the vendor is a "well-known company". I hope that is not your case.

Congratulations another time it seems that you're young and think that the time is infinite, I can tell you that is correct... but the universal time, our time... is finite. Unlike you, I feed my old friends, a few... with what you eat. Those things must be done as a team, the time is finite.

Almost sure... Not for that reason we have this conversation. The ambiguity from your first post... Was... A real guide.

We are two, we already are a majority.

I love AI2 but is not the dream of my life. For me is a must to prove a concept. After that... Well... I think that everybody must be paid for what really know. Exists only one life, and time is finite.

Let see... It is possible that my reply was hard to digest. But it was that hard to digest like your post.

It was nothing personal, I do not intend to offend anybody. I apologize if you're offended. It was not my intention.

I'm here asking for help, repeating many times things that are already written, not providing any help.

If you make some effort to read and understand what I'll write on this subject, almost sure that you can write something more constructive. I bet that even you can... help.

  • Anyone can fit 100 elephants in the room.

Seriously, a hackintosh gives you the authority and power to make value judgments over those who are giving you the answers?

you can be surprised by what can a 27"/4K touchscreen monitor, wait please until next weekend, and we will see if you maintain the same position.

How can you think in that manner without having in front of you... a 27"/4k ???

I have it !!!

You... bet?!

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I speak about what I write about a subject with a OSX86, I count my experience about that, and somebody affirms that is complicated, I comment that is not complicated. I don't judge anybody, I judge what I read.

I already know, I have 2 55" with touch to monitor industrial processes in cement plants.

I made the HMI, the process too, even the digital twin.

The issue is that too much information is useless if it cannot be seen clearly, like in a technical drawing, when you put the dimensions of the measurements wrong.