Mit app connect to hivemq broker

so i need delete my old extension, then import this new extension?

i not sure that topic in my block is right or wrong


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sense_road.aia (661.6 KB)

i cannot import that file you give into my extension mit app

yes i can open that file in my mit app

yes it work

here the result for
thank you

can i copy your display and block into my project file?


juan/acelerometer by frdsir777/aceleremeter
juan/acelerometer by frdsir777/aceleremeter

In Blocks change
juan/acelerometer by frdsir777/aceleremeter

  • To work with real time you can also use the CloudDB and FireBasDB (realtime) components.

it's true i do like this if want get value latitude n longitude at hivemq message.
but value of latitude n longitude does not out.

just acceleremeter value show.

i have managed to do and solve my problem.
Thank you very much

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hi juan,it is normal that connections that use mit to connect to hivemq sometimes have problems for the output value in the hivemq message.
because in the night it succeeds, but when you do it the next day, there is a problem for the value to come out

maybe because of internet connection or another problem?

I don't know how often you are sending/requesting the data, maybe it's because of Hivemq's restrictions. You can check it out in the Hivemq Community.

Remember that to work in real time you can also use CloudDB and FireBase.

Perhaps because the gps data is not yet available (no satellite fix) at the time you make the request or the TimeInterval you set the LocationSensor to. See Using the Location Sensor and LocationSensor ; especially the part that indicates Location information might not be immediately available when an app starts. You’ll have to wait a short time for a location provider to be found and used, or wait for the LocationChanged event. and TimeInterval Determines the minimum time interval, in milliseconds, that the sensor will try to use for sending out location updates. However, location updates will only be received when the location of the phone actually changes, and use of the specified time interval is not guaranteed. For example, if 30000 is used as the time interval, location updates will never be fired sooner than 30000ms, but they may be fired anytime after.

Values smaller than 30000ms (30 seconds) are not practical for most devices. Small values may drain battery and overwork the GPS.

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