MIT AI2 Companion Not Working(Online even Offline)?

Any suggestions Jeff?

It would be helpful to see the console output (Chrome dev console) while connecting to the Companion. Btw. Version 2.63 (and 2.63u) are the release companion. 2.64 is in Beta test in the Play Store, the only difference is the new legacy connection mode.

Yesterday's issue should not have any impact on Companion connections as nothing involved touches MIT infrastructure (ai2 is at Google and code is at IBM, Rendezvous server is in AWS). Our problems, which continue into today, have to do with the buildserver infrastructure.

P.S. The last screenshot implies that the Companion cannot reach (which is located in AWS). Check firewall rules etc. One issue may be that your network is now blocking http (as opposed to https) so that is something to look into.

One issue may be that your network is now blocking http

so please help how we can unlock http?
where I should go first?

Talk to your internet service provider and ask them if their service is blocking access to http URLs.

This advice is speculation. http versus https might not be the issue you are having.

You must discuss this with your ISP. No one else can discover if it is blocking http.

You need to find out and tell us what they say.


:disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed:

Jeff, be aware that the screen shot in MIT AI2 Companion Not Working(Online even Offline)? - #68 by World_of_Games is not from App Inventor. It is from the third party AI2Offline stand alone . Posts 42 onward appear to refer to AI2Offline.

@World_of_Games This discussion is getting confusing. It talks about App Inventor connection issues AND AI2Offline issues. When you post please be clear about which compiler you are talking about when you provide an example. Thanks.

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Both of them(Online & Offline) are not working at all. Starting from yesterday.

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I am a teacher, I have the same issue
This problem happened to me and my students today.
Everything is fine yesterday

Please :pray: let me know if you get solution. Thanks in advance!

43.3K App Inventor Users today, three Users having an issue with the Companion.

World_of_Games - in App Inventor online, Hello World project, please try an APK build.

Help me pls~ :cry:

Please wait. Remember that no one immediately can respond to you.

AFAIK, MIT is having server problems of connectivity, MIT is working on a fix right now. I also had similar issues yesterday.

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More reports of the Companion failing @ 20%. Perhaps this is a Server-side glitch of some sort?

In the last 10 minutes I succeeded to connect. I tried it in a very simple app and in another one using an extension. In the latter it was a little bit unstable (instead of popping out an error, it closed the companion). I did not do anything to change the 20% (no firewall, no http vs https, etc). Just tried (for 100th time) the companion and worked.

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OK, something just occurred to me (sorry).

If you are using WebRTC (aka NOT legacy mode), if the PC and device cannot directly communicate, they will attempt to route their connection through a "turn" server. The turn server we use is located on the network at MIT that has been having issues since yesterday. We believe that network is better, so if this was the problem, it should be gone now.

This would not affect legacy connections.


Bingo! Working ...! :+1:

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OK, It's Working!!

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