Missing valid information on update version

Hi all,
as wished some time ago, I would appreciate to have the same information about the version N° on the welcome screen nb182 and the companion 2.57.
How to know, If I have to update?
Companion Information also does not give me information of the nb Version.

Please the devellopper Team, one day to have same kind of information on both.

You can see that info on the about screen when you click on Help -> About.

The companion and editor are versioned separately from one another because we will make releases that add/fix functionality in the website that have no effect on the companion app. The release process involving a companion release is more complex, so we tend to not do them as frequently as editor updates. This means that the editor version number moves up more frequently and there’s no sense in baking it into the companion.

As @Peter mentions, you can access the detailed versioning information under the Help > About menu.

You will only really need to upgrade if you need new functionality added in the most recent release, which you can learn about by following the release notes link. Generally, if App Inventor detects that your version is too old, it will let you know. We also try to support as far back as the release from the previous summer so that schools (at least in the northern hemisphere) don’t need to upgrade at all during the school year.

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