Minimum Android Version

How can I set Min. Android Version to Android 5.1 - 5.11 (API 22)?
You can see at that idea.
Best regards
Jorge Guimarães

Hi @Jorge_Guimaraes

App Inventor attempts to create an app that’s maximally compatible with all devices and so will take the maximum of the minimum SDK specified by all components. If you want to increase the min SDK for an App Inventor app, you would need to include a component that asserts the SDK you want. There isn’t a user-facing way of fiddling with the SDK values. There are also third party tools that will allow you to update the minimum SDK and repackage your app.

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As far as I know there is no component in AI2 that requires at least minSdkVersion = 22.
So use e.g. AppToMarket or APK Studio Editor for this. Edit the Manifest and add this:
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="22" />

Hello. Thank you for your sugestion. Bur in the they have that option.

So, use Kodular Jorge. :slight_smile: