Microbit write LED


I wrote a program that would allow me to write letters on the Microbit screen.
The card connects well to the smartphone (which is in Android 10) on the other hand, entering characters is not transmitted to the Microbit card.
I don’t understand where my error is. Anyone have a good idea to run this application?
Thank you for your answers.

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Hi @Phi,

Could you provide a screenshot of your blocks, both for the app and the micro:bit sketch (if any)? There may be a number of reasons for the app not working but we can’t advise you without knowing more.

Hello and Happy New Year,

I have the same problem. I try to run App Inventor + IoT: Micro:bit LED from http://iot.appinventor.mit.edu/#/microbit/microbitled . "Smiley" button works well but when I write a text nothing happents. See screenshots from app inventor blocks and micro:bit

Why are you asking the same in two topics?

Sorry, if this is a mistake I will delete the new one...

I have the same problem. Using the example from http://iot.appinventor.mit.edu/#/microbit/microbitled

The Draw smiley works, but the write to LED button just clears the screen on the Micro:bit.
This is with a Micro:bit V2

Today I tested with a Micro:bit V1 and the same problem happens.

The same occurs on my microbit v2.
Any update on that?

This could have been fixed with https://github.com/mit-cml/appinventor-extensions/pull/55

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