Microbit - Bluetooth - Servomotor

Hello everyone,

I am doing a project where from an application made with app inventor I want to control
a servomotor connected to a microbit.

The idea is to connect the mobile application with the phone with Bluetooth and from the application with two buttons to control the servomotor.

By pushing button 1 the servomotor has to rotate 90º and then return to 0º.
By pushing button 2 the servomotor has to rotate 180º and then return to 0º.

The Bluetooth connection between app inventor and microbit works correctly since I have been able to configure it thanks to tutorials. These are the programmed blocks:

My problem comes with the programming of the buttons and the microbit. I have no idea how to do it.

What had occurred to me is the following:

when I press the button 1 --> send to the microbit as text 1#
when I press the button 2 --> send to the microbit as text 2#

I attach the block programming of app inventor and the microbit.

Obviously it doesn't work :confused:

I don't have much experience programming. Someone could help me?

Thank you so much.

Lograste hacerlo de alguna manera?
Estoy buscando yo también cómo hacer funcionar un servo con App inventor y microbit.
Yo he conseguido que enciendan los leds.
Es para un proyecto de domótica de una maqueta.
Lo que no consigo es hacer funcionar los servos.
Tengo la microbit con una placa de extensión de DF Robot.
