Hello everyone,
I am doing a project where from an application made with app inventor I want to control
a servomotor connected to a microbit.
The idea is to connect the mobile application with the phone with Bluetooth and from the application with two buttons to control the servomotor.
By pushing button 1 the servomotor has to rotate 90º and then return to 0º.
By pushing button 2 the servomotor has to rotate 180º and then return to 0º.
The Bluetooth connection between app inventor and microbit works correctly since I have been able to configure it thanks to tutorials. These are the programmed blocks:
My problem comes with the programming of the buttons and the microbit. I have no idea how to do it.
What had occurred to me is the following:
when I press the button 1 --> send to the microbit as text 1#
when I press the button 2 --> send to the microbit as text 2#
I attach the block programming of app inventor and the microbit.
Obviously it doesn't work
I don't have much experience programming. Someone could help me?
Thank you so much.