Good day everyone, I am newbie here in MIT, I would like to ask assistance on my way of building a Meter Reading app in my community here in philippines,
I would like to use export/import excel file then load to the app then user/meter can input the present reading then app automatically computes the amount, and prints a bill.
++This is my 1st question,
how i can use my excel file or .csv as my database?or how i would appear my .csv file to my list?
thank you in advance,i hope someone could guide me along the way!.
Upload your csv file to your aia project (into the media folder)
Use the File component to read the csv file
When File GotText set the text to a variable using the list from csv table block to make an AI2 list
Work with your list
If you want to keep updating your csv, then you will need to download the csv file from an online resource / server (e.g. Google Drive) and then do 3 - 5 above.
This is usually done centrally, for big city utilities.
You will need to think about how the new meter reading gets to the next billing cycle, where the next meter reading might be taken by a different meter reading on a different device.
Likewise for payments and balances, if you collect money in person from your customers.
Does your community include apartment buildings, with banks of meters all together in one spot?
our community will use this one sir, about 3,000 consumers. we have our separate system that can produce excel file or .csv file where it will generate the previous date of billing, previous reading ,unpaid bills. this is way i can load the file to my MIT App to print bills.for now i dont focus on scannable barcodes. just simple application, than calculates amount then prints a bill sir.since i have just started working in this field.
next question sir, how to have a search button then display the customers information to a screen?
and do you have any idea on how to create print button, specifically printing on a bluetooth thermal printer?