Mes blocks se sont effacés

J'ai un très gros problème : dans une très grosse application que je développait (environ 7000 blocks répartis sur 5 écrans), tout mes blocks ont disparus ! Que puis-je faire ?


Never experienced this.

Do you get an error when you load your project, if so what is it?

This URL allows you to open AI2 to the Project List, without opening any project.
From that list, you can request Exports of Projects without trying to open them.
Upload the troublesome .aia here.

Non, je n'ai pas d'erreur quand j'ouvre le projet.


If this is your personal project then don't share it publicly instead pm to the requestor.

Do you by any chance have a backup of this project as I can't find any code in many of the screens..

Btw, are you logged in on the right server and right account, as you mentioned 5 screens but you have 6 screens and 4 of them doesn't contain any blocks.

Non, je n'ai pas de sauvegarde...

why it is important to hava a backup strategy see here MIT App Inventor 2 Tips – TWO DOG APPS
