
Sorry For All The Topics
"BUT" i'm having problems with the media notifier
i'm testing the app using AI i pressed play exited out of the app
but can't see the player in notifications? wonder if anyone could help

ScreenShot Of what's been done

here's the AIA

FLORIDA88.aia (1.2 MB)

now i'm keeping the playpause button, but when i press the playpause button and exit the testing app i'd like to see the player appear, just like when people play there mp3players on there phone?

Not something I have seen occur. If exiting any App, the User would normally be returned to the Android Screen that launched it.

To make the default Android Media Player appear might be possible via the Activity Starter, but I think that might be tricky because the Player has been changed across Android Versions. You could of course make your own player and launch that......

Concerning you MediaNotification1 ButtonClicked event - don't leave the blocks empty, you can do this:

Thank you so much

Could you check all blocks are rite please

Sorry, we don't have the man power to provide such a service!

thank you for da help given to media notification block
would i still need a play button?

you sure this is rite

iv gone to test it but nothings playing?

i'v done some editing as i'v got a play pause button

are you working in Kodular and App Inventor at the same time?

does that make sense?

Some observations

  1. don't use the player component and the TaifunPlayer extension at the same time, choose only one!
  2. set property PlayOnlyInForeground to true or false, but not to itself, which does not make any sense
  3. if "Player.IsPlaying do nothing" does not make sense, you can remove it completely
  4. set the channel importance to a reasonable value and in a reasonable event, for example during Screen.Initiaize... to set that after clicking an action button does not really make sense


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Yes I'm copying over my work from kodular to MIT
Seeing MIT is changing, saw a YouTube video that MIT is implementing AI.

So I'm removing setmedianotifications at bottom
Also the if player is playing

But it's asking for an action type,
Do I set an action type or not? @ChrisWard told me
To do that by way the image you showed me

...I have only shown you a temporary work-around to avoid empty puzzle pieces. Your 'if then' Block should have a necessary action or simply not be there.

yea i have corrected it now

but i go to press play on da menu but no music comes out?
should i still have when screen initializes do -> text with my radio stream in

Check that it isn't your http source failing. Just temporarily add a short music file to your App media and set that as the source.

ok just added an mp3 file tested the app still nothing

It looks like you are using 2 different extensions... don't do that...choose only one of them... and follow their documentation for correct setup...

And btw. it does not really make sense to call a method ShowNotification in an event, which will be triggered affer clicking a button in the notification...

Obviously first you have to show the notification before you are able to click one of its buttons...


Yea urs medianotification
And medianotification

They the one's?



Ok so I'll only use medianotification
Then as would like the player to be in phones

do i need an actiontype
for the block, because when i press play
no music is coming out?

which block are you talking about?
I was never using media notifications... I only used some common sense to answer your questions...

my guess is, you are using the Media Notification by @Ulrich_Bien ?

what about trying the example project from there?

and if there are still questions after using the example app, then show us a screenshot of your relevant blocks and someone might be able to help...


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the doc says about a procedure set to SetMusic

but how on earth have they set the orange label to index and the other procedure
source i'm following the doc but my procedure isn't showing up index

first of all: is the example app working from you?

sorry, I do not know, what you are talking about... this is where a screenshot probably would be helpful...
