Me marca un ivalid screen y no se que hacer si la tengo creada y segun yo esta bien el código

The problem is because you don't have a screen named "Delete".

Pero no seria la de delate?
O es otra aparte?

I didnt understand?

Please change the Delete to Delate
Like this open another screen screen name Delate

Si osea que la pantalla que me falta seria seria la de eliminar, no?
Pero la pantalla creo es la screen y el sccren si lo tengo

See this

Estás tratando de abrir la screen "Delete", pero tu screen real se llama "Delate"

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No sabes como cambiarle el nombre a la screen?

Hello Leonardo

In future, please use App Inventor to make screen shots of your Blocks.

Right-mouse in the Blocks work area and select "Download Blocks as image"

No se puede cambiar el nombre de las Screens... Es uno de los inconvenientes

It is possible to change the name of a Screen by editing 'background' files that define the Project - however, it is easy to make a mistake and make matters worse rather than better.

My Power User colleague Juan Antonio has a program to perform Screen rename.

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