🗨️✨ MaterialDialog Extension: Enhanced Dialogs and Toasts for App Inventor

MaterialDialog Extension



The MaterialDialog extension enhances dialog and toast functionalities for MIT App Inventor. It enables the creation of custom dialogs, bottom sheets, full-screen WebView dialogs, and provides advanced toast and view clickability features.

Functions and Events

1. CreateDialogFromView

Description: Creates a custom dialog using an existing AndroidViewComponent.


  • dialogId (String): Unique identifier for the dialog
  • androidViewComponent (AndroidViewComponent): Component for dialog content
  • cancelable (boolean): Dismissible by outside touch
  • animationType (int): Animation type for the dialog
  • paddingDp (int): Padding around dialog content in DP

Note: Ensure that the androidViewComponent is properly configured before >creating the dialog to achieve the desired layout.


AlphaDialog1.CreateDialogFromView("myDialog", VerticalArrangement1, true, 1, 10)

2. CreateTitleDialog

Description: Creates a dialog with title, message, and up to three buttons.


  • dialogId (String): Unique identifier for the dialog
  • title (String): Dialog title
  • message (String): Dialog message
  • positiveButtonText (String): Text for positive button (optional)
  • negativeButtonText (String): Text for negative button (optional)
  • neutralButtonText (String): Text for neutral button (optional)
  • cancelableOnTouchOutside (boolean): Dismissible by outside touch
  • isIndeterminateProgress (boolean): Show indeterminate progress bar
  • rgbColor (String): RGB color string (currently unused)

Important: Handle the OnButtonClick event to respond to user interactions with the dialog buttons.


  • OnButtonClick: Triggered on button click. Provides dialogId and buttonType.


AlphaDialog1.CreateTitleDialog("myDialog", "Confirmation", "Are you sure?", "Yes", "No", "Cancel", true, false, "")

3. DeleteDialog

Description: Removes a dialog from memory and dismisses if showing.


  • dialogId (String): Identifier of dialog to delete

Caution: Make sure to delete dialogs that are no longer needed to free up memory.



4. Show

Description: Displays a previously created dialog.


  • dialogId (String): Identifier of dialog to show

Note: Ensure that the dialog has been created before calling this method.



5. Dismiss

Description: Dismisses a currently showing dialog.


  • dialogId (String): Identifier of dialog to dismiss

Tip: Use this method to programmatically close dialogs when needed.



6. OnDismiss

Event: Triggered when a dialog is dismissed.


  • dialogId (String): Identifier of dismissed dialog

Usage: Use this event to perform cleanup or update UI after a dialog is dismissed.

7. OnShow

Event: Triggered when a dialog is shown.


  • dialogId (String): Identifier of shown dialog

Tip: This event is useful for performing actions right after a dialog becomes visible.

8. OnCreateDialogError

Event: Triggered on dialog creation error.


  • errorMessage (String): Description of the error

Important: Always handle this event to catch and respond to dialog creation errors.

9. LongLength

Property: Represents long duration for toasts (1).

10. ShortLength

Property: Represents short duration for toasts (0).

Note: Use these properties to set consistent toast durations across your app.

11. ShowToast

Description: Displays a toast message using an AndroidViewComponent.


  • androidViewComponent (AndroidViewComponent): Component for toast content
  • i (int): Toast duration (0 for short, 1 for long)

Tip: Custom toasts allow for more complex layouts than standard text-only toasts.


AlphaDialog1.ShowToast(Label1, AlphaDialog1.LongLength)

12. WrapContent

Property: Controls whether toast content should wrap (true) or not (false).

Note: Set this property before showing a toast to control its layout behavior.

13. CreateBottomSheet

Description: Creates a Bottom Sheet dialog with custom content.


  • dialogId (String): Unique identifier for the Bottom Sheet
  • contentLayout (AndroidViewComponent): Component for Bottom Sheet content
  • cancelable (boolean): Dismissible by outside tap

Usage: Bottom Sheets are great for displaying additional information without >leaving the current screen.


AlphaDialog1.CreateBottomSheet("myBottomSheet", VerticalArrangement1, true)

14. ShowBottomSheet

Description: Displays a Bottom Sheet dialog.


  • dialogId (String): Identifier of Bottom Sheet to show

Note: Ensure the Bottom Sheet has been created before calling this method.



15. DismissBottomSheet

Description: Closes a Bottom Sheet dialog.


  • dialogId (String): Identifier of Bottom Sheet to dismiss

Tip: Use this to programmatically close Bottom Sheets when needed.



16. OnBottomSheetDismissed

Event: Triggered when a Bottom Sheet is dismissed.


  • dialogId (String): Identifier of dismissed Bottom Sheet

Usage: Use this event to update your app's state after a Bottom Sheet is closed.

17. CreateWebViewDialog

Description: Creates a full-screen WebView dialog.


  • dialogId (String): Unique identifier for the dialog
  • url (String): URL to load in WebView
  • cancelable (boolean): Dismissible by outside tap
  • animationType (int): Animation type for dialog
  • userAgent (String): Custom UserAgent string (optional)

Important: Ensure the URL is properly formatted and accessible before creating the WebView dialog.


  • AfterPageLoaded: Triggered when WebView finishes loading. Provides dialogId and url.


AlphaDialog1.CreateWebViewDialog("webDialog", "https://www.example.com", true, 1, "MyCustomUserAgent")

18. EvaluateJSInDialogWebView

Description: Executes JavaScript in a dialog's WebView.


  • dialogId (String): Identifier of dialog with WebView
  • jsCode (String): JavaScript code to execute

Caution: Be careful when executing JavaScript code, especially with user-provided input.


  • AfterEvaluation: Triggered after JS evaluation. Provides dialogId and result.


AlphaDialog1.EvaluateJSInDialogWebView("webDialog", "document.getElementById('myElement').innerHTML")

19. MakeWholeViewClickable

Description: Makes an entire AndroidViewComponent clickable.


  • viewComponent (AndroidViewComponent): Component to make clickable
  • viewId (String): Unique identifier for the view
  • clickable (boolean): Enables/disables click events
  • longClickable (boolean): Enables/disables long-click events

Note: This function adds a visual feedback (gray overlay) on click, enhancing user interaction.


  • ViewClicked: Triggered on view click
  • ViewLongClicked: Triggered on view long-click


AlphaDialog1.MakeWholeViewClickable(HorizontalArrangement1, "myLayout", true, true)

20. AfterPageLoaded

Event: Triggered after WebView in dialog loads a page.


  • dialogId (String): Identifier of dialog with WebView
  • url (String): Loaded URL

Usage: Use this event to perform actions after a page has finished loading in the WebView.

21. AfterEvaluation

Event: Triggered after JS evaluation in WebView dialog.


  • dialogId (String): Identifier of dialog with WebView
  • result (String): Result of JS evaluation

Tip: This event is useful for handling the results of JavaScript execution in the WebView.

22. ViewClicked

Event: Triggered when a view made clickable is clicked.


  • viewId (String): Identifier of clicked view

Note: Use this event to respond to clicks on views made clickable with MakeWholeViewClickable.

23. ViewLongClicked

Event: Triggered when a view made clickable is long-clicked.


  • viewId (String): Identifier of long-clicked view

Tip: Long-click events can be used to provide additional options or actions for a view.

Aix file

:arrow_down: MaterialDialog.aix (2.3 MB)

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You probably need to update your first post with example blocks, most developers here will not understand your text representations.

1 Like

Ok, I will replace them soon thanks @TIMAI2 for you recommendation

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Does it work in Companion ?

A simple toast



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Can we make a bottom sheet like this

No , but I will update it to achieve this request

Yes , did you try it ?