Matching Game Shuffle Issue

i try it sir but it didnt work

i need it for my thesis sir

You need give more information. how you did it? is there any error message? some screenshot of your app or blocks maybe help.
you copied my blocks, but did you copy the assets also?

i didnt copy the assets sir . wait ill try iy one more time

Sir the aia you send . it didnt show the picture of the buttons

even if i click it . the picture didn't show up

pls help me sir

badly needed for my thesis.

but the image you post is not from my aia.

what do you mean sir ?

you said my aia not working, but give us a picture not from my aia?

(Canned Reply: ABG- Export & Upload .aia)
Export your .aia file and upload it here.

mathingfinal.aia (1.5 MB)
heelo sir. here's the aia of the app i want to create . i want to disable the shuffling of the cards but i dont know how.

Here is a substitute procedure to use instead of the shuffle procedure to load the list of card-picture pairs.

mathingfinal (1).aia (1.5 MB)

Please note that I avoided some of your picture file name spelling errors by using the brown helper blocks for some file names. Notice the pull down after the name.

I left the shuffle procedure, but it is never called.

I assume the pair list is meant to be called at screen initialization.

I was lazy and used an easy pattern to load the pairs in two loops, instead of hard coding them in a 16 row two column table.

thank you sir

Correction - I made a mistake in the second half of my pair table load procedure.

I used the first 8 buttons twice instead of all 16 buttons.

I won't get a chance to fix it till tomorrow.

yes sir . thank you sir . but the design is same sir ?

Here is the basic idea.

The new procedure has to fill that 16 row table of (button,image) pairs.

Fill rows 1-8 from buttons 1-8 and one list of image names.

Fill rows 9-16 from buttons 9-16 and another list of image names in a different order.

can you site an example sir ?

Here's a corrected app, all tested and working.

I removed the flash screen nonsense.
It was a fraud, wasting every one's time.

I changed a 1 to a -1.

I added value procedures (functions) to avoid initialization timing problems.
mathingfinalABG.aia (1.5 MB)